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» English » Municipal Wastewater Treatment » Rules and Standards
Standardisation and Derivation of Dimensioning Values for Wastewater Facilities
40.50 €Info..
DWA-A 199E, Part 1
Service and Operating Instructions for the Personnel of Wastewater Systems - Part 1: Service Instructions for the Personnel of Wastewater Systems (November 2011)
35.00 €Info..
ATV-A 200E
Principles for the Disposal of Wastewater in Rurally Structured Areas
34.50 €Info..
DWA-A 216E
DWA-A 216E (Energy Check/12/2015)
80.00 €Info..
DWA-A 262E
Principles for Dimensioning, Construction and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants with Planted and Unplanted Filters for Treatment of Domestic and Municipal Wastewater (November 2017)
83.50 €Info..
DWA-M 277E
Information on design of systems for the treatment and reuse of greywater and separated greywater flows (October 2017)
46.50 €Info..
Dimensioning of Trickling Filters and Rotating Biological Contactors
27.50 €Info..
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